feministische bibliothek : feminist library : bibliothèque féministe

Daten / Dates:

Umzug / moving day Sp!t / fem_bib from / von Erlenstr. 44 to / an den Lindenberg 21

– sa / sat, 1.2.25 ab 11h Packen / packing day, Erlenstrasse 44, 4058 basel

– sa / sat, 8.2.25 ab 13h Umzug / moving day, Erlenstrasse 44 & Lindenberg 21, 4058 basel

– sa / sat, 22.2.25 ab 13h Raum putzen / cleaning, Erlenstrasse 44, 4058 basel

– do / thu, 27.2.25 ab 13h Raum putzen / cleaning, Erlenstrasse 44, 4058 basel

come and help 🖤🩷 kommt und helft mit


Sun, march 16th 2025, 15-19h at Sp!t, Lindenberg 21, 4058 Basel Zine-Making Workshop for TIN (Trans, Inter, Non-Binary People) & Friends

16 Mart 2025 Pazar, saat 15-19 arası Sp!t @ vario, Lindenberg 21, 4058 Basel TIN (Trans, Intersex, Non-Binary People) ve Dostları için Fanzin Yapımı Atölyesi

ZINE MAKING WORKSHOPfor TIN people and friends at SP!T, Lindenberg 21, 4058 Basel first meeting: SUN, 16.3.25 15.00-19.00

ZINE MAKING WORKSHOP for TIN people and friends – TIN (Trans, Intersex, Non-Binary People) ve Dostları için Fanzin Yapımı Atölyesi

EN (aşağıda Türkçe)

Zine-Making Workshop for TIN (Trans, Inter, Non-Binary People) & Friends

Sun, march 16th 2025, 15-19h at Sp!t, Lindenberg 21, 4058 Basel

✨ You can do it, too! 😊 ✨

We’re excited to invite you to a collaborative zine-making workshop where creativity, community, and experimentation come together!

Zines (from “magaZines”) are a great way to raise our voices through self-publishing. Zines distribute information, visual art, discussions, manifestos, story telling, how-to’s, … horizontally and without gate-keeping – zines are political❤️‍🔥

This space is all about exploring the process, not the final product. There’s no set format—we’ll all create, experiment, and learn together!

🌟 Whether you’re new to zines or experienced, everyone’s ideas are welcome. It’s a perfect opportunity to connect with others, collaborate, and maybe even spark ideas for future projects (like a zine of your own!).

The workshop will take place across four sessions at Sp!t, Lindenberg 21, 4058 Basel

The first session date will be set, but the following three will be decided as a group.

📍 We’re also aiming to make the workshop accessible online, as long as everyone consents. Nothing will be recorded, to ensure a comfortable space for all.

Bring any material you like, texts, pictures, pens! We will also have material you are welcome to use.

Also, donations for the space and travel costs are very welcome 🥰

Come join us, get creative, and have fun—because you can do it, too! 😊

Practical Infos:

– Languages: The workshop language is english. If you need translation that can be arranged. Some of us speak: english, german, turkish, a bit french, magyar, italian

If you need translation into another language please reach out to us, email: spit(at)immerda.ch

– Travel costs: we want to make this workshop accessible for everyone, so if you can only participate if the travel costs are covered we will take care of it together.

– Child care: if you need child care to be able to participate please reach out to us as soon as possible via email: spit(at)immerda.ch

– Access: the space is on the ground floor. The space is wheelchair accessible. There’s a wheelchair accessible genderneutral toilet on the ground floor. The entry to the house has a 4cm threshold with a little ramp. The kitchen has two steps, a ramp can be installed.

– next public transport stops: Wettsteinplatz Tram and Bus (300m distance), Rheingasse Tram and Bus (340m distance)

– online participation: if everyone present agrees we’d like to make the zine meeting accessible online, via signal call. We will share a video of the table from above, without faces, with audio. Please reach out if this is the only way you can participate. Email: spit(at)immerda.ch

– there are stable chairs with and without armrests. There are sofas.

– one of the two spaces can be used as a quiet area.

– there are non-alcoholic drinks available

– let’s all bring snacks 🙂

– Address: Sp!t / fem_bib @ vario, Lindenberg 21, 4058 Basel


TR (english above)

TIN (Trans, Intersex, Non-Binary People) ve Dostları için Fanzin Yapımı Atölyesi

16 Mart 2025 Pazar, saat 15-19 arası Sp!t @ vario, Lindenberg 21, 4058 Basel

✨ Siz de yapabilirsiniz! 😊 ✨

Sizi yaratıcılığın, topluluğun ve deneyselliğin bir araya geldiği kolektif bir fanzin yapımı atölyesine davet etmekten heyecan duyuyoruz!

Fanzin („magaZines”den) kendi kendine yayıncılık yoluyla sesinizi yükseltmenin harika bir yoludur. Fanzinler bilgi, görsel sanat, tartışma, manifesto, hikaye anlatımı, nasıl yapılır, … yatay olarak ve kapı tutmadan dağıtır – fanzinler politiktir ❤️‍🔥


Bu alan tamamen süreci keşfetmekle ilgilidir, nihai ürünle değil. Belirli bir format yok – hep birlikte yaratacağız, deneyeceğiz ve öğreneceğiz!

🌟 İster fanzin alanında yeni olun ister deneyimli, herkesin fikirlerine açığız. Başkalarıyla bağlantı kurmak, işbirliği yapmak ve hatta gelecekteki projeler için fikirler üretmek için mükemmel bir fırsat (kendi fanzininiz gibi!).

Atölye Sp!t, Lindenberg 21, 4058 Basel adresinde dört oturumda gerçekleşecektir. İlk oturumun tarihi belirli olacak, ancak sonraki üç oturuma grup olarak karar verilecek.

Herkesin rızası olduğu sürece atölyeyi çevrimiçi olarak erişilebilir hale getirmeyi de hedefliyoruz. Herkes için rahat ve güvenli bir alan sağlamak için hiçbir yüz kaydedilmeyecektir.

İstediğiniz herhangi bir materyali, metinleri, resimleri, kalemleri getirin! Ayrıca kullanabileceğiniz materyallerimiz de olacak.

Ayrıca, yer ve seyahat masrafları ve bağışlar için bize ulaşabilirsiniz 🥰

Gelin bize katılın, yaratıcı olun ve eğlenin – çünkü siz de yapabilirsiniz! 😊

Bize spit(at)immerda.ch adresinden hesaplarından ulaşabilirsiniz.

Pratik Bilgiler:

– Diller: Atölye dili İngilizcedir. Çeviriye ihtiyacınız varsa bu ayarlanabilir. Konuştuğumuz diller: İngilizce, Almanca, Türkçe, Macarca, Fransızca, Italian@

Başka bir dile çeviriye ihtiyacınız varsa lütfen bize ulaşın, Bize spit(at)immerda.ch adresinden hesaplarından ulaşabilirsiniz.

– Seyahat masrafları: Bu atölyeyi herkes için erişilebilir kılmak istiyoruz, bu nedenle yalnızca seyahat masrafları karşılanırsa katılabilecek durumdaysanız, buna birlikte bir çözüm bulabiliriz.

– Çocuk bakımı: Katılabilmek için çocuk bakımına ihtiyacınız varsa lütfen mümkün olan en kısa sürede bize e-posta yoluyla ulaşın: spit(at)immerda.ch

– Erişim: mekan zemin kattadır. Alan tekerlekli sandalye erişimine uygundur. Zemin katta tekerlekli sandalyeyle erişilebilen cinsiyet ayrımı gözetmeyen bir tuvalet vardır. Evin girişinde küçük bir rampa ile 4 cm’lik bir eşik vardır. Mutfakta iki basamak vardır, bir rampa takılabilir.

– yakın toplu taşıma durakları: Wettsteinplatz, Tramvay ve Otobüs (300m mesafe), Rheingasse, Tramvay ve Otobüs (340m mesafe)

– çevri‌mi‌çi‌ katılım: katılımcıların kabul etmesi‌ hali‌nde fanzi‌n toplantisini i‌şaretli‌ arama yoluyla çevri‌mi‌çi‌ olarak eri‌şi‌lebi‌li‌r kilmak i‌sti‌yoruz. Masanın videosunu yukarıdan, yüzler olmadan, sesli olarak paylaşacağız. Katılabilmenizin tek yolu buysa lütfen bize ulaşın. Bize spit(at)immerda.ch adresinden hesaplarından ulaşabilirsiniz.

– kolçaklı ve kolçaksız sabit sandalyeler vardır. Kanepeler bulunmaktadır.

– iki alandan biri sessiz bir alan olarak kullanılabilir.

– alkolsüz içecekler mevcuttur

– hepimiz atıştırmalık getirelim 🙂

– Adres: Sp!t / fem_bib @ vario, Lindenberg 21, 4058 Basel





mo / lun / mon, 13.1.25 fem_bib nicht offen (wegen krankheit) / feminist library closed (because of illness)  / biblio féministe (fermée parce que personne malade)

mo / lun / mon, 16.12.24 17h-19h fem_bib offen / feminist library open / biblio féministe ouverte
@spit, erlenstrasse 44, 4058 basel

do / thu / jeu, 31.10.24 14-17h ⏫ SIEBDRUCK // SCREENPRINTING //SÉRIGRAPHIE ⏫  @spit, erlenstrasse 44, 4058 basel

mo / lun / mon, 14.10.24 18-20 fem_bib offen / feminist library open / biblio féministe ouverte @spit, erlenstrasse 44, 4058 basel

mo / lun / mon, 23.09.24 18-20 fem_bib offen / feminist library open / biblio féministe ouverte @spit, erlenstrasse 44, 4058 basel

mi / mer / wed, 11.09.24 14h – ca 19h SIEBDRUCK // SCREENPRINTING //SÉRIGRAPHIE @spit, erlenstrasse 44, 4058 basel

mo / lun / mon, 26.08.24 18-20 fem_bib offen / feminist library open / biblio féministe ouverte @spit, erlenstrasse 44, 4058 basel

SO / SUN / DIM / DOM 30.6.2024 8h30-17h00
meeting of the self-organized librairies – Rencontre des Bibliothèques Autogérées – Treffen der selbstorganisierten Bibliotheken – incontro delle biblioteche auto-organizzate

fem_bib feministische bibliothek at Sp!t, Erlenstrasse 44, 4058 Basel
Common Room/Gmeinschi/Salle commune/Sala comune, Mattenstrasse 74/76, 4058 Basel
fem_bib(at)immerda(punkt)ch & biblio-la-molene(at)riseup(punkt)












nächste Öffnungszeiten : next opening hours : prochaines heurs d’ouverture


feministische bibliothek : feminist library : bibliothèque féministe:

fr / fri / ven 19.7.24: 18h-20h
di / tue / mar 25.7.24: 17h30-19h30

*DE* die feministische bibliothek ist offen – kommt vorbei zum schmökern, auf einen tee, bringt medien zurück und holt neue <3
*FR* la bibliothèque féministe est ouverte – venez feuilleter des livres, boire une tisane, rapportez vos médias, empruntez-en de nouveaux <3
*EN* the feminist library is open – come by to browse books, drink a tea, bring back your media, borrow new ones <3


feministischer Lesekreis : feminist reading circle (DE & EN)

mo / mon, 29.07.24 18h ! fällt diesmal aus / this time cancelled !

*DE* Herzliche Einladung an alle da draußen, die Lust haben in gemütlicher Runde Auszüge aus feministischer, queerer und systemkritischer Literatur zu lesen und darüber zu sprechen.
Ihr könnt auch gerne selbst Vorschläge fürs gemeinsame Lesen mitbringen.

~ Kollekte für den Support vom sp!t
~ offe für FLINTA*-Personen
~ es gibt Kekse, Snacks und Tee 🍵 🍪✨

*EN* A warm invitation to everyone out there who would like to read and talk about excerpts from feminist, queer and system-critical literature in a cozy atmosphere.
You are also welcome to bring your own suggestions for reading together.

~ small donation for the support of sp!t
~ open for FLINTA*-People
~ there will be cookies, snacks and tea 🍵 🍪✨

@ SPIT, erlenstrasse 44, 4058 basel

queer_feminist spit goes picknick! ☀️🌊🥪

so / sun / dim 18.8.24, 15h








@ wiese, unterhalb der personenbrücke („erlenparksteg“) auf der seite des tierparks // @ wiese, en dessous du pont des personnes („erlenparksteg“) du côté du parc animalier // @ wiese, below the pedestrian bridge („erlenparksteg“) on the side of the zoo : https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/47.57526/7.60841

erkennungsmerkmal wird noch bekanntgegeben. // The recognition feature is yet to be announced. // La caractéristique de la reconnaissance sera annoncée ultérieurement.

bei schlechtem wetter treffen wir uns im sp!t // in case of bad weather we meet at sp!t // en cas de mauvais temps, nous nous retrouvons au sp!t:
an der erlenstrasse 44, basel



nächste Öffnungszeiten auch auf : next opening hours also on : prochaines heurs d’ouverture aussi à

instagram https://www.instagram.com/queerfeminist_spit/

e-mail: fem_bib(ät/at/chez)immerda(punkt/dot/point)ch.

telegram: t.me/+Yhb44yMizxRmNDU0

b-seite: https://bseite.info/groups/fem_bib|



DE (FR ci-dessous / EN below)

Es hat Comics, Romane, Sci-Fi, Krimis, Sachbücher und Zines.

Die Bücher sind codiert für Sprache /deutsch, english, français, español, italian@ – es gibt nur wenige bücher und zines auf französisch und italienisch, aber die biblio ist offen dafür, mehr aufzunehmen -, science fiction / social fantasies, LesBischQueer, trans*_inter

Kategorien und Unterkategorien von Sachbüchern: Nachschlagwerke, Arbeit, Bildung / Erziehung, Feminismus & Gendertheorien, Frauenbewegung, Gesellschaft (u.a. Lebensformen, Elternschaft, Alter, Armut, Behinderung, Migration / Emigration, Gewalt, Sexarbeit, Pornografie, Anti/Rassismus, Rechtsextremismus, Reproduktionstechnologien, Geschlechternormen), Geschichte (u.a. Matriarchatsforschung, Hexen), Lesben / Bi / Trans* / Queer, Inter_, Politische Praxis (u.a Aktivismus, Friedensbewegung, Postkoloniale Kritik, Anti/Ableismus), Länder / Reisen, Religion, Esoterik (Astrologie, Esoterik-Kritik), Kunst, Literatur, Sprache, Philosophie, Psychologie, Medizin, Sexualität, Biografien.

Kategorien von Zines: Awareness / Konsens / Community Accountability / Transformative Justice, Beziehungsformen / Poly, Kink / BDSM, Klassismus, Repression / Policing / Widerstand / Resistance / Krieg, Organising / (sich) politisch organisieren, Queerness / Queer-Sein, Anti-Rassismus, Feminismen, Anarchismus / Anti-Autoritäre Theorie, Fett- / Dickenfeindlichkeit & -Empowerment, Sexarbeit / SWs (self) Empowerment, Intergeschlechtlichkeit / Inter*, Gender / Genderdiverse Perspektiven / Cis-Sexismus / (self) Empowerment, BiPoc (self) Empowerment / Intersektionale Perspektiven, Ableismus / Oppression based on ‚Health‘, ‚Selbst’Fürsorge / Körper-Geist, Knast / Prisons / Policing, Musik / u.a. Punk, Geschichtliches / Historical, ‚Fan’Zines (mehrere Themen / unkategorisiert).

Weitere Infos über die Bibliothek findest du hier (auf Tumblr).
Informative und weiterführende Links zu Feminismus sind hier (auf Tumblr).
Links zu Feminismus in Aktion / feministischen Aktivitäten in Basel und anderen Regionen hier (auch auf Tumblr).

wir* suchen menschen, die bei der bibliothek mithelfen, ab und zu die biblio mit uns aufmachen, damit sie zugänglicher wird! lust? komm vorbei oder meld dich unter: fem_bib(ät/at/chez)immerda(punkt/dot/point)ch


FR (EN below)

Y a des bandes dessinées, des romans, ouvrages spécialisés, de la poésie, des romans de science-fiction, des thrillers, et des (fan)zines.

Les livres sont codés par langue (deutsch, english, français, español, italian@ – il y a pas beaucoup de livres et zines en françaisxe/italienxe, mais la biblio est ouverte à accueillir de plus), science fiction / social fantasies, LesBienneQueer, trans*_inter.

Catégories et sous-catégories de livres pratiques : Ouvrages de référence, travail, formation / éducation, féminisme & théories du genre, mouvement des femmes, société (entre autres modes de vie, parentalité, vieillesse, pauvreté, handicap, migration / émigration, violence, travail du sexe, pornographie, anti-/racisme, extrémisme de droite, technologies de reproduction, normes de genre), histoire (entre autres recherche sur le matriarcat, sorcières), lesbiennes / bi / trans* / queer, inter_, pratique politique (entre autres mouvement pour la paix, critique postcoloniale, anti-/abléisme), pays / voyages, religion, ésotérisme (astrologie, critique de l’ésotérisme), art, littérature, langue, philosophie, psychologie, médecine, sexualité, biographies.

Catégories de zines : Awareness / Consentement / Community Accountability / Transformative Justice, Formes de relations / Poly, Kink / BDSM, Classisme, Répression / Policing / Résistance / Guerre, Organising / (s‘)organiser politiquement, Queerness / Être queer, Anti-Racisme, Féminismes, Anarchisme / Théorie anti-autoritaire, grossophobie & empowerment, travail du sexe / tds (self) empowerment, intersexe / inter*, genre / perspectives de genre / (cis-)sexisme / (self) empowerment, BiPoc (self) empowerment / perspectives intersectionnelles, validisme / oppression basée sur la ’santé‘, ’soin de soi‘ / esprit corps, prison / Policing, musique / entre autres Punk, Historique, ‚Fan’Zines (plusieurs thèmes / non classés).

Tu trouveras plus d’informations sur la bibliothèque ici.
Des liens informatifs et complémentaires sur des féminismes (news, blogs, podcast ..) sont disponibles ici (sur Tumblr).
Liens vers le féminisme en action / activités féministes à Bâle et dans d’autres régions ici (également sur Tumblr).

nous* recherchons des personnes pour ouvrir la bibliothèque de temps en temps avec nous, afin qu’elle soit plus accessible ! venez nous visiter, écrivez à fem_bib(ät/at/chez)immerda(punkt/dot/point)cha



Comics, novels, poetry, sci-fi, crime, non-fiction and zines.

Books are coded for language (german, english, français, español, italian@ – there are only a few books and zines in french and italian, but the library is open to take more of them), science fiction / social fantasies, LesBischQueer, trans*_inter

Categories and subcategories of nonfiction: Reference books, work, education / upbringing, feminism & gender theories, women’s movement, society (a.o. life forms, parenthood, old age, poverty, disability, migration / emigration, violence, sex work, pornography, anti-/racism, right-wing extremism, reproductive technologies, , gender norms), history (a. o. a. Matriarchal Studies, Witches), Lesbian / Bi /Trans* / Queer, Inter_, Political Practice (a. Peace Movement, Postcolonial Criticism, Anti/Ableism), Countries / Travel, Religion, Esotericism (Astrology, Esoteric Criticism), Art, Literature, Language, Philosophy, Psychology, Medicine, Sexuality, Biographies.

Categories of Zines: Awareness / Consense / Community Accountability / Transformative Justice, Relationship Forms / Poly, Kink / BDSM, Classism, Repression / Policing / Resistance / War, Organizing / (getting) politically organized, Queerness, Anti-Racism, Feminisms, Anarchism / Anti-Authoritarian Theory, Fat / Fatphobia & Empowerment, Sex Work / SWs (self) Empowerment, Intersex / Inter*, Gender / Genderdiverse Perspectives / Cis-Sexism / (self) Empowerment, BiPoc (self) Empowerment / Intersectional Perspectives, Ableism / Oppression based on ‚Health‘, ‚Self’Care / Body Mind, Jail / Prisons / Policing, Music / et al. a. Punk, Historical, ‚Fan’Zines (multiple topics / uncategorized).

You can find more info about the library here.

Informative and further links on feminism (news, blogs, podcasts …) are here (on Tumblr).

Links to feminism in action / feminist activities in Basel and other regions here (also on Tumblr).

we* are looking for people to open the library from time to time with us, so it will be more accessible! come by, write to: fem_bib(ät/at/chez)immerda(punkt/dot/point)ch

